Le yoga nu, une tendance émancipatrice ou bidon ?
Publié le 17 octobre 2017 à 16:04
Par Louise Col
Lancée sur Instagram, la pratique du yoga nu est une technique de bien-être de plus en plus prisée, qui incite les adeptes de cette discipline à découvrir leur corps autrement et à s'accepter tels qu'ils sont. On adhère ?
L'instagrameuse Nude Yoga Girl pratiquant le yoga nu. L'instagrameuse Nude Yoga Girl pratiquant le yoga nu.© Instagram Nude Yoga Girl
La suite après la publicité

Nouvelle tendance bien-être WTF, le mouvement naked yoga (yoga nu) séduit de plus en plus. L'influenceuse connue sous le pseudo Nude Yoga Girl, à la fois photographe et mannequin, a été la première à s'afficher nue en posture du guerrier et compte désormais plus de 690 000 abonnés. "Vous êtes belle exactement comme vous êtes", soutient-elle dans sa bio sur Instagram.

"Grâce à ce compte, je veux inviter les gens à se rendre compte que leur corps est beau et qu'il est capable de faire des choses incroyables", expliquait-elle en 2015, dans un entretien accordé au magazine The Cut. "Je travaille dans une industrie uniquement basée sur l'apparence depuis l'âge de 15 ans. Le yoga m'a appris que la chose la plus importante est ce que je ressens, pas ce que je regarde de l'extérieur".

"In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you." -Andrea Dykstra #NYGyoga

Une publication partage par Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) le

"Le corps des femmes est une empreinte sexuelle"

Depuis, le #nygyoga recense des centaines de photos de femmes et d'hommes, de tous âges confondus, petit(e)s, grand(e)s, maigres, ou rond(e)s, pratiquant le yoga sans aucun vêtement, en intérieur comme à l'extérieur. Une façon de communier avec eux-mêmes sur le plan émotionnel, psychique et physique, dans l'état le plus libre et naturel qui soit.

L'internaute limitlessyogisoul, par exemple, explique sous son post tout le bien que lui procure la pratique du yoga nu et comment elle est parvenue à se débarrasser de ses complexes : "Au fil du temps, j'ai appris à dissimuler cette création magique parce que le corps des femmes est une empreinte sexuelle et quelque chose que nous devrions cacher plutôt qu'exprimer. (...) Ce corps a beaucoup de défauts. Certains m'ont hanté tout au long de ma vie et m'ont poussé à penser 'elles sont mieux que toi/ tu ne seras jamais assez bien', mais récemment, je me suis détachée de ces pensées et mes complexes ont lentement disparu. Le yoga m'a aidé à me retrouver".

Hello beautiful souls, This is my body. Real, raw and nude. The same way I arrived, just 28 years later. Somewhere along the way I learned to cover up this magical creation because the women's body is a sexual imprint and something we should hide rather than express, but I have always felt more comfort unclothed. I sleep in the nude. I stay nude after bathing and am very familiar with every inch of this skin and it's power in speaking to me. This body of mine has many flaws. Some that have haunted me throughout my life and instilled thoughts of 'they are better than you/you'll never be good enough' but recently I have found those thoughts no longer linger and also, my flaws I was hiding behind have slowly faded. Yoga helped me find myself within and after practicing consistently for 6 years, I feel each year I overcame something that at some point in time helped me grow tremendously. The first year was the death of my guardian. The only guide in my life suddenly gone and I no longer had a father figure in my life. The second year was finding my meaning outside of Motherhood. Although being a Mother is the greatest blessing, my identity became irrelevant. The third year was ending an extremely unhealthy marriage. A controlling, manipulating very dependent soul who looked to me for his own happiness. The fourth year was embarking on life for the first time on my own. Getting my own place, working a full time job, finding my balance in the world. The fifth year was the struggle. I was taken advantage of in so many situations because I trusted other souls instead of the universe. The sixth year, well this is now. My present moment and I've finally overcome my own fear of the flaws on this body because they do not dictate who I am, they are proof of who I've become and I'm done hiding for the sake of others comfort. I know my path and I intend on following it open heartedly, with knights standing beside my gates ready to take on any hatred, hurt, jealous, envy, gossip or pain brought upon me by other beings. Just know, that those thoughts are a reflection of you and only LOVE lives here Inspired by @nude_yogagirl #NYGyoga #bodypositivity #nudeyoga

Une publication partage par Courtney Parnell Yoga (@limitlessyogisoul) le

. "I just feel pain. A lot of pain. I thought I could imagine how much this would hurt, but I was wrong." -Haruki Murakami . . #StripDownAsanas3 day 7 was any seated pose. . . Sorry I got so behind guys. To keep it real, I had a bit of a mental break and needed... a mental break. October 15th is babyloss remembrance day. Every year I think I'll be fine. It's been years. It's just a day. A random day on the calendar some random person picked. And yet... Every year I end up feeling it more than I thought I would. More than I would like. And it hurts. I hurt. But it reminds me what miracles my 3 ducks are and how grateful I am for them. This pose is for all my babies, here, and in heaven. . . . Day 1 Any Heart Opener Day 2 Any Inversion Day 3 Any Hip opener Day 4 Any Fold Day 5 Any Standing Pose Day 6 Any Pose with a Prop Day 7 Any Seated Pose Day 8 Any Core Pose Day 9 Any Bind Day 10 Yogis Choice . . Hosts: @dwinnerxfit @sultryabyss @rhyannazwatson @yogibabecakes @yogachia_ @bohemian_treasure . . Sponsors: @nicow56 @yeskis4king @soter_bentes @Jakeanthonyart @anneamanda @missninjacookie @daniele_siele @maux_portraits @marcanderson1 . . . . . . . #yoga #namaste #yogaeverydamnday #yogaforlife #breathe #stretch #balance #yogi #beeryogi #stronger #tattooedyogi #fitchick #progressnotperfection #ibendsoidontbreak #practiceandalliscoming #thickthighlife #fitfam #nudeyoga #babyloss #bopo #healingthroughyoga #kingpigeon #nygyoga @nude_yogagirl

Une publication partage par Kory (@pgkcb13) le

This pic and these words are just beautiful... #Repost @in2it_yogin Day 7 of #StripDownAsanas3 is any seated pose "When the Sun of compassion arises darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere." Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power Bathing my skin in the sun, I am omnipresent. The sun, a warmth, yet comforting presence. Birds chirping away on a mango tree, As happy as can be. I breathe in and light intensifies, Pulling in that prana, feminized. Gentleness sparks. Exhaling in serendipity. Little signs from the universe. I'm ready to immerse. #StripDownAsanas3 #stripdownasanas #selflove #yogafun #freespirit #gypsysoul #bodyartwork #nudeyogagirl #nakedyoga #nudeyogaart #nudeyoga #NYGyoga #bodypositive #loveyourbody #wildandfree #freelikeme #selflovewarrior

Une publication partage par Yoga, Self Love, & Inspiration (@stripdownasanas) le

Les hommes relèvent le défi

Les hommes sont également nombreux à avoir relevé le défi #stripdownasanas3 qui consiste à suivre un programme de yoga nu sur 10 jours. Beaucoup ont posté des photos d'eux, évoquant les bienfaits qu'ils en retiraient pour le corps et l'esprit. Chris Eichberger, alias Ironmanchris07, a posté plusieurs photos de lui en plein exercice chez lui, dans les bois, au bord d'une piscine ou même sur un paddle.

Hello beautiful souls, here's my Day 9 of #StripDownAsanas3 #stripdownasanas. This pose is the first one I was proud of when I started my yoga lessons in 2016, already "long" time ago There's no good path, there's your path, you're creating it with each of your steps. Don't look for a particular path, follow your intuition, get out of the comfortable path to find yours! I remember the day of that picture because it was a crowded day in the woods, runners, walkers, bicyclists were coming to "see" the nude place just opened! As if they had never seen nude before... And I could feel their discomfort when they were passing by, they were going out of the path not to get to close... Fun! I was enjoying my yoga and freedom Can't wait to see your beautiful posts!!! Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday Day 1 Any HeartOpener Day 2 Any inversion Day 3 Any Hipopener tigerpose Day 4 Any Foldpose Day 5 Any Standing Pose Day 6 Any PosewithaProp Day 7 Any SeatedPose Day 8 Any CorePose Day 9 Any #Bind Day 10 Yogis Choice Hosts: @dwinnerxfit @sultryabyss @rhyannazwatson @yogibabecakes @yogachia_ @bohemian_treasure @stripdownasanas Sponsors: @nicow56 @yeskis4king @soter_bentes @Jakeanthonyart @anneamanda @missninjacookie @daniele_siele @maux_portraits @marcanderson1 #yogachallenges #yogachallenge #igyogachallenge #octoberyogachallenge #selflove #yogafun #freespirit #gypsysoul #yogaweekly #vibratehigher #goodvibesonly #empowerment #yogachallengeworld #nudeyoga #nakedyoga #loveyourself #loveYoselfmovement #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #yogalove #yogainnature #ximyoga #bindwarrior #warriorpose

Une publication partage par Xavier (Dean) (@ximyoga) le

Le corps, cette boîte à souvenirs

En solo ou en duo, avec tatouages ou marques de maillot de bain, avec ou sans défauts physiques, les adeptes du yoga nu se prêtent au jeu, se montrent tels qu'ils sont, décomplexés et désinhibés. Une touche d'authenticité sur un réseau social "m'as-tu-vu", où le culte du beau et de la perfection tire les ficelles. Un coup de pied aux fesses des standards de beauté d'Instagram, aux logiciels de retouche et aux idées préconçues qui veulent que les filles minces soient les plus belles. Votre corps est ce qu'il est. Il porte sur lui les marques de vos soirées bien arrosées, de vos coups durs, de votre maturité, de vos enfants, des maladies et des guérisons qui l'ont traversé, de votre parcours tout simplement.

Photo/caption by @jlmergler #nudeyogaart I am 35 years old. And I'm not really sure how I feel about that. Sometimes I think that I'm so happy I'm done with my 20s, that every year I get wiser and more secure in who I am and what I believe. And some days I can't quite wrap my head around how I'm already halfway through my 30s, and that 40 is just around the corner. And I think about all the things I haven't done yet, that I thought I'd do by now. And how I thought I'd really have my shit together by this point, and don't always feel that I do. But then I stop and I remind myself that life is a journey that doesn't have check points unless we make them. The only rules are the ones we create for ourselves. And I really have done a lot in my time so far. I earned a B.S. and a M.S., taught for 10 years, have been a mother for a decade, been my husband's other half for almost two decades, written half a novel and a number of blog posts, and countless other little things that make each day go right. It's taken me 35 years to get here to this place where I finally love myself, where I'm no longer scared to show who I really am or bare my soul. I can only hope and imagine that the next 35 will bring me even more love and acceptance.

Une publication partage par Nude Yoga Art (@nudeyoga_art) le

Et pour les curieux, sachez que Nude Yoga Girl, également professeur de yoga sur Internet, expliquait au magazine The Cut que pendant les cours, tous ses élèves étaient "uniquement concentrés sur l'exercice ; les gens ne se comparent pas ou ne se soucient pas de l'apparence des autres". De quoi vous tenter ?

Mots clés
Forme bien-être Société yoga News essentielles Body positive
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